
December Playlist

Here we are in December and my last monthly playlist of the year! McBusted's debut album was released at the beginning of this month so naturally a chunk of my playlist will be from that album. Enjoy!

1. What Happened To Your Band by McBusted from the self-titled album McBusted

2. Get Over It by McBusted from the self-titled album McBusted 

3. Sensitive Guy by McBusted from the self-titled album McBusted

4. Getting It Out by McBusted from the self-titled album McBusted

5. 23:59 by McBusted from the self-titled album McBusted

6. Save You by Pearl Jam from the album Riot Act 

7. Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran from the album X
When this song was released I hated it. Okay, I wouldn't say hate but I just didn't warm to the song at all. Overtime I began to love the song as I seemed to hear it everywhere I went. Definitely one of Ed Sheeran's best singles!

8. Surfer Babe by McFly from the album Room On The Third Floor
I've been listening to a lot of McFly's old stuff lately, especially their first album, and only now am I realising what a cracker of an album Room On The Third Floor is.

9. Room On The Third Floor by McFly from the album Room On The Third Floor

10. Just Breathe by Pearl Jam from the album Backspacer

11. Down By The Lake by McFly from the album Room On The Third Floor

12. Evacuation by Pearl Jam from the album Binaural


Album of the month: McBusted // Self-titled

You can follow and listen to my playlists on Spotify here.

I hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas and I hope 2015 is good to you!

Róisín xo